Select Sewer and Storm Lift Station Projects
Blandwood Road and True Avenue Sewer Lift Station Replacement Project
Steven Andrews Engineering was retained by the City of Downey Public Works Department to design a new sewer lift station to replace two (2) of the Cities existing sewer lift station that were in critical conditions. Steven Andrews Engineering prepared construction plans and specifications for two (2) 175 gpm submersible sewage pumps with 7.5 hp motor, piping, valving, metering, electrical motor control center, bypass piping, emergency storage manhole, pre cast concrete wet well, electrical, telemetry and instrumentation controls for a new sewer lift station. The design involved the demolition of the existing sewer lift stations, a new 175 gpm sewer lift station, an 8′ diameter x 13′ deep emergency storage manhole, 4″ DIP sewer force main, 8″ VCP gravity sewer main and reconnection of existing sewer laterals. This project receive the APWA 2017 BEST Project of the Year Award for the category of Drainage, Water, Wastewater for member agencies serving a population between 100,000 to 200,000.
Puente Hills Intermodal Facility Mill Road and Access Road Improvements
Steven Andrews Engineering was retained by KFM Engineering to design a new Storm Water Pump Station that was part of a grade separation project for the Puente Hills Intermodal Facility for the County Sanitation District No. 2 of Los Angeles, the project is located in the City of Puente Hills, CA. Steven Andrews Engineering prepared construction plans and specifications for a 3,142 gpm storm water pump station project including civil, mechanical, structural and electrical design. The project included the design of three (3) 8″ submersible sewage pumps, two (2) 4″ submersible sump pumps, 24-inch HDPE inlet piping, 10-inch welded steel discharge piping, cast in place discharge vault with 24-inch RCP outlet to storm drain system, exhaust louver system for air circulation inside wet well, electrical and instrumentation in a separate block building adjacent to wet well. Steven Andrews Engineering worked with KFM Engineering, the civil engineer of record to provide a complete project.
Pine Valley Estates Sewer Lift Station
Steven Andrews Engineering was retained by MDS Consulting to design a new submersible sewer lift station for the Pine Valley Estates Development located in the City of Chino Hill, CA. Steven Andrews Engineering prepared construction plans and specifications for a new Sewage Wet Well for the City of Chino Hills Pine Valley Estates Development (Tract N0. 16596). The design included a 10’x10’x 35′ deep precast wet well and two (2) 300 gpm submersible sewage vortex pumps, piping, valving, metering, odor control, Motor Control Center Assembly, 200 kW standby engine generator with sound enclosure, electrical , telemetry and controls for a new development within the City.
City of Fullerton State College Storm Water Pump Station
Steven Andrews Engineering was retained by Arcadis US to design a new Storm Water Pump Station for the State College Grade Separation Project. Steven Andrews Engineering prepared construction plans and specifications for s submersible storm water pump station located in the City of Fullerton, CA. Steven Andrews Engineering was a sub consultant to Arcadis US, who was the lead design firm to complete the State College Grade separation that included the Storm Water pump station. The project included a poured in place concrete dry and wet well assembly, two (2) vertical turbine pumps with 75 hp motors, a 10 hp submersible sump pump, a ventilation system, valving assembly, electrical equipment room above grade and discharge vault with a 24-inch RCP outlet pipe and 24-inch RCP inlet pipe to wet well.
S-10 Sewage Lift Station Improvements
Steven Andrews Engineering was retained by the City of Long Beach Water Department to evaluate one of the Cities sewage lift stations. Steven Andrews Engineering prepared a preliminary design report evaluating the existing sewage lift station operations and provide recommendations to improve overall system efficiency and prepared construction plans and specifications to upgrade and meet current codes and reduce odor and noise emissions. The station is located adjacent to single family homes and the City was interested in reducing noise and odor impacts to the adjacent homes. The design and construction included replacing the existing pumps and motors with higher efficiency pumps and motors. The ventilation system was designed to reduce odor and comply with the latest NFPA recommendations.
Additional Sewer and Storm Lift Station Projects
- Woodland Cemetery Mausoleum Expansion – Phase 1 Sump Pump
- City of Chino – Rancho Miramonte SPA Private Sewer Lift Station
- Richmond American Homes – The Bungalows on Bay Street Storm Water Pump Station
- Camarillo Sanitation District – Village at the Park Sewer Lift Station
- Orange County Water District – Santiago Creek Basin Development Program
- Los Pinos Wastewater Discharge Phase 2